
How to fork code on GitHub

  1. Go to the repo and click on the Fork which is located on the top right
  2. GitHub Image
  3. Set repository name and click "create fork"
  4. GitHub Image
  5. Open VS Code to clone it
  6. There are 2 ways to clone it. You can clone it by using the terminal and typing:

    git clone

    The second way is by clicking Clone Git Repository

    GitHub Image
  7. Save it on your local computer
  8. Select repository location
  9. GitHub Image
  10. Click Open
  11. GitHub Image

Create a new branch after forking code

Create a Pull Request

  1. Go to the repo and click on Pull requests
  2. Click on the green New pull request button on the top right
  3. GitHub Image

Add Folder/Files to a new GitHub Repo

  1. Create a new repository on GitHub
  2. Enter git init on the terminal
  3. git init
  4. Add the files in your new local repository. This stages them for the first commit.
  5. git add . GitHub Image